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Pledge now to help Save The Bell at Pensax

The Save The Bell campaign has so far seen overwhelming support from the Community with 950+ people joining the Facebook site, 380 responses to a survey and many offers of personal and financial support.


A business valuation by industry specialist MJD Hughes Ltd was recently carried out, funded by community donations. This report concluded:


“From information available in the public domain, my investigations and meeting with the Save the Bell, and my experience of over 35 years in the licensed trade it is possible to see there is a sustainable business for the pub.”


We formed a Community Benefit Society (registered with the Financial Conduct Authority) and raise sufficient funds from the Community to purchase The Bell freehold. Over 160 pubs are currently operating in this way in the UK and to date only one Community Pub has failed.


Our Community Share Offer will enable individuals (aged 16 or over) and/or corporate bodies to buy shares in the Society, making them a member of the society and giving them a vote at the Annual General Meeting.

Whilst those pledging support will be under no obligation to purchase shares once the Community Share Offer is issued, we do ask that you think carefully about the amount you wish to pledge, as we will use this information to assess the viability of our plans; we do not want to risk misleading stakeholders about the level of support from within the community.

Personal Pledge Form

Investors must be over 16 years of age. Click here to make a company pledge

Thank you for making a Pledge! Your information will be kept securely and only used for the purposes to Save The Bell at Pensax

We would prefer to capture your pledges online. Alternatively, please complete the below form and return it to the address on the form or to

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